Najiha Bte Norazad
love: - Endang
- Beauty
- U!
I'm just a girl.Always want something simple, nice, love..
aFRAId when someone scold or angry at me...
gets Into shi**ts everday
Naj juz wan u to understand me...
16 nov 1989
student Of the RePuBlic
a ring
New shoes
hugs & kisses:)
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 June 2009 August 2009
Designer : coldwindz
Brushes : x
Image : x
Fonts: x
Film Festival and mCG reflection is finally over...
whahah.... but actually kinda miss the fun...
one big family work together...hehhe...MeRAh!(tanx uh mak esah... camera baek nye)
the next day... my Birtday!!!
but its ok... received alot of wishes...
from, new frens , old fren, best frens n many more...
ive made someone angry on my birthday.. heheh... make him wait mcm tunggu buah tak jaoh..(memang tk jatoh pon... heheh)
Sori yeee... its not ma fault wat.. hehe..
Gift of the month(dont even dare to ask me wats inside... its between jay n atie)
(sweet kn... hehe... i promise i wont forget ur birthday,heheh)