Najiha Bte Norazad
love: - Endang
- Beauty
- U!
I'm just a girl.Always want something simple, nice, love..
aFRAId when someone scold or angry at me...
gets Into shi**ts everday
Naj juz wan u to understand me...
16 nov 1989
student Of the RePuBlic
a ring
New shoes
hugs & kisses:)
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 June 2009 August 2009
Designer : coldwindz
Brushes : x
Image : x
Fonts: x
9 JANUARY 2008[09/01/09]
As usually i got training.. but he's not there...
after trainng, he can't fetch me home, received a msg saying that his grandpa in hosp..
Atie & adi was to send me home..
Atie got her 4 surprised that day...
heheh... while walking toward woodland... she said she want my notebk... i thot of nothing... she unzip my bag.. i thot she was searching 4 something..
at home, as usual, after taking a shower, have to do my Rj... He called... forcing me to call him back once i finished my rj.. i really got no intention to call him cuz im so sleep and tired...
just as i done my rj... he called my house phone again.. ouh my gosh, he really make me pissed off.. im half dead...
12am~ 9/1
" u remember u said u like surprises?"
urgh... y he asked this stupid qn... i was so sleepy and my mood was down..
"open ur front door.."
and...i got presents......
[tigger & rocher..luv them]
I tot he 's outside... i look out, no sign of him... that's it... he's playing hide-n-seek and not let me sleep!!
i picked the phone..." tanx for the gift...yeay, i got tigger.. [can i go back to sleep now]where are u!!"
"haha, where i am?? look out from ur living room window"
ouh ma god!!! ""I HEART U NAJ""- using candles
picked up the phone again... its so sweet ... nvr i encounter this b4...
" so beatiful.... so huge... heh.. tanx alot.. but plz... dont put my name... scared that my parents gonna see that.."
and i tot that was it.. really want to sleep!! then he said
" look out from ur room's window now...."
the most shocking thing ive ever seen...
on a road carpark..
5 by 3 mahjong paper....
" im gonna wack u !"
"is that a yes or no answer?"
how can i say no!.... hheheh
and then... at last i can sleep!!
its like a surreal...
when i prepare my bag for sch... i saw this... stuff that atie and her bf put inside my bag...
Tanx to couple A- (atie & adi) hheh...
[09/01/09]--> never forget this date!
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Aww... isnt that cute??? hehhe