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If things were so simple,
it would be so perfect♥
You rock Ma world

Tatty Bear


Najiha Bte Norazad
16 nov 1989
student Of the RePuBlic

love: - Endang - Beauty - U!

I'm just a girl.Always want something simple, nice, love.. aFRAId when someone scold or angry at me... gets Into shi**ts everday Naj juz wan u to understand me...

My needs and wants
new lappy
a ring
New shoes
hugs & kisses:)


Monday, August 10, 2009
3:53 AM

Happy 7th monthsary!!! wuhoo...
We made it through ups and downs for seven months.

i luv him i luv him i luv him i luv him

we almost cancelled our plan out for fireworks( paham2 je lah eh, susah kuar umah.. hehe)
my sister suddenly asked me out to jurong point and told me to ask hubby to tagged along..
as usual he's a little late while me and sister walked around wait for him(for lunch).
when we reached NTUC fairprice, i ask my sister whether we can have lunch at her place. we do the cooking while he do the baby sitting.. heheh(naj like to see him wif kids)

when we were at sister's place, me and my sister do the cooking while hubby feed Raul.

seeing him doing that, i can't stop smiling..

Cooking is tiring..( ayam masak cili padi & stir fried vege)
first time cook doesnt fufill my man's stomach.. sorry..
then we off to cityhall..
we exchanged gift in the train.. hehe(my gift hasn't really completed but i showed to him.. )

(he got me this! tanx baby)
waiting for syafiq mcm tggu buah jatoh!! ahhahah
jumpe the rest of the buddies at padang(somewhere around there)
then there's fireworks!! best giler.. (tk pernah tgk live)
the BEST part is, its our 7th month celebration..

it was so crowded.. people actually cheer when the barrier was removed(huh, nuts!)

then go newton for dinner/supper... kesian ayg, if only i can buy him more food..
I missed last bus .. it was my first time going home dat late.. took a cab.. hubby thought dat im still sad and angry... but actually i looked at the cab meter increased every cents.. hoping that the fare only cost less than 20 bucks(for hubby to go home with the remaining money)

He sent me to the doorstep..but end up chatting at that spot(mcm kat kampong, dream come true).. Like totally normal and nice, i like it.. he went home after that..

that's all..
we are different.. :(

save me from the nothing I’ve become..

Friday, June 19, 2009
9:07 AM

huh... Fyp feverr..

very lazy to update blog..
baby boi got angry... 4th month and 5th month not updated..
will update soon after fyp report G301 is done...
with lots of luv...

have you ever do something that you think is right for you and others.. but a little afraid to face the consequences?
- from a person who thinks about herself for the first time(trying to stop blaming ownself)

save me from the nothing I’ve become..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
8:11 AM

Past few weeks had been exhausting..
stress, sadness, tired.. all in one..
what happen??
let it be only me and him knows..

Alot of things change..
hah.. sometimes, i don even know who i am..

But now.. im ok!! trying to think positive...
thanks to hubby, im smiling all de way..
Half an hour to go toooo...::

Happy 3rd monthsary HUbby.. 090409

im sooo sori that i make u sad and angry in any way..
im sori that i was not there to support u during ur comp day due to
things that i can't avoid last minute..
Im sori that im not ur best girlfren..

I love u hubby.. i wont leave u..
You are there for me whenever i need u..
remember this... ill be supporting u for anything even when im not right beside you..
ill try to change for u.. can u do that for me too??

" Setiap org punya impian, impian itu yang bisa meneruskan kehidupan..."

save me from the nothing I’ve become..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
7:46 AM

I admit it.. Bf got me alot of stuffs.. Just last valentines' day, he got me a new necklace, a pair of jeans(that i had always wanted) and a box of chocolate(i wonder why all the gifts comes with chocolate)..
I myself, not a single thing I can give him.. sob sob.. no money no talk.. i can only cook for him(hope u like it..)
I almost lost a ring.. Luckily he's kind enough to search for it for me.. hehe..
Now, i just feel tired..
>> Morning cook lunch for bf and me, afternoon met bf.. then go library(do some fyp research, didnt manage to find wat I want.. then of to Bugis junction(just walk around), night ade ngaji.. then served some food to asatizah and sister(stupid new maid got attitude problem.. she just left the kitchen without helping and off to bed).. then I washed the dishes and clean the kitchen.. clear the dining table.. then went to my room.,,
haizz... wat a day...
Im thinking wat to feed myself for tomorow.. just cereal?? maybe.. but how about bf?
haiz cik sul dah tkde... susah benar.. now bf and me juz have to save alot.. no more spending(naj, dont even think to ask for anything..hehehe..) today.. we have achieved something.. amount spend: $0.00.. yeay!! Ya Tuhan, bukalah pintu rezeki untuk kami.. im helping him to find part time job, any vacancies anyone? inform me aite...
ok ok, waiting for bf finishes his prayer...
waiting for his call..
CEPATlah sikit Bang oiii!!
till then,

save me from the nothing I’ve become..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
7:55 AM

haiya... geram betul ngan batok ni..
btw.. nasib baek By check the training timetable..
Fuhh... kalo tak.. missed agaknye...
i forced myself to come...
Naj boleh nye... segalanya untuk Endang.. jiwe beb
tapi dorg mesti get irritated by me...
ter batok sane.. terbatok sini... sori uh gang.. can't control.. too painful
then the best part is.... MAKAN... bf masak nasi lemak.. baek kape... tak sia2.. (By... sok mee goreng eh... syg u..heh)
then balek... ade situasi yg tak menyenangkn pt umah.. nasib baek tak ade kene mengene ngan ku..

My background...
i grew up in a family that doesnt care much about someone's feelings..
in a family that don't even look at small stuff.. the word "thank you".. i can barely hear it..
everything is secret... if someone is not happy... there will be silence or scolding..
and so i learnt that whenever i'm sad, angry, etc., i have to keep it to myself...
only hear the good stuff..
suddenly this person came to my life... who wants every details.. minor things is a big deal to him..
It maybe easy for others but not for me.. he wants me to appreciate what he's done to me..On the other side i worried about bigger stuff.. I too care about us... what if we are forced not to see each other again?I don't want him to get involved in my problems.. everything shall be my fault not his..
But its ok then.. i shall keep quiet.. avoid talking nonsense.. control my temper.. cuz i unable to console someone.. not good at it.. Happy me... promised..
By.. sorry...

save me from the nothing I’ve become..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
9:38 AM

still sick... urghhh... bingit nye...
now bf gets the virus... sorry By...
hmm.. naj batok2 tk leh tdo ...
ask him to msn me ... no respond..
i think he's asleep.. naj soo bored.. can't call anyone(malas nk dok pt living rm akai tepon umah)
2morow, bf told me to stay at home.. haiya... -> promised him oready..
hmm... ape tadi aku buat eh....
tengahari lunch wif bf..
pastu... gi FYP meeting..
pastu .. lepak pat skola tgk movie... (this time not from utube ye atie!)
pastu... bf anta balek..then he off to training
naj ade ngaji pat umah
then watch tv..
eat dinner plus eat medicine..
then on the phone with bf less then 10min..
send the attendance list to fir..
then update this blog..
n still waiting for bf to msn..(bodoh sey naj, die kn dah tdo)
wuhoo... byk jugk bende yg aku buat nari..
kk, atie dah kasi online cerpen untuk aku bace...

ily... N to K

save me from the nothing I’ve become..

Monday, February 9, 2009
7:03 AM

Naj VERY2 sick..

flu, fever, cough, cold, headache... argghh all in one..

can't sing.. voice like a man.. (haiya)

Today is our first month.. naj don't care.. want boify jugak..

haha... go out wif bf wif the coughing, the sneezing, etc.

things don't turn out like what bf planned...

Aww... sooooo sorry... naj have to go home early...

Bf very sad... Naj want him happy how??

next celebration will be on me... naj keep herself healthy..

At home... arggh!! fyp STUff... so stress... so tired... so SICK!!!

naj have to start.. tomorow date due for the work..

oh God.. please help me...

Naj CAN'T concentrate = blog update..

I need more drugs plz...

father and daughter still not talking to each other= naj sad=naj helpless
On the other side... Naj happy, feel a bit better.. cuz mit bf!
For u By!

.. all i want is for u to trust me..

save me from the nothing I’ve become..